Professional Services

Professional Services

Notary Public

We Offer Notary services, and the fee is $15 per signature.

Please call us ahead of time to ensure a notary will be available.

Mobile Notary Public Service are available by appointment.

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Livescan Fingerprinting

Livescan fingerprinting is digital fingerprinting. You do not need to make an appointment. We accept walk-ins.

You must have the request for Livescan form which is provided by your employer.

Our rolling fee is $35, plus government fees. Since each Livescan is different, we will not know the total cost until we see your form.

Livescan service take 10-20 minutes.

Ink Fingerprinting

We also offer ink fingerprinting, at $35 per card

Passport Photos

Passport photos are quick and high quality.
You are in and out in about 10 minutes.
Prices are $18.00 for 2 photos.

Scanning Services

Scaning is another options for sending documents.

We can scan your color or black/white documents and email them, or save them to a flash drive or CD.

We can even do high resolution scans of your artwork.

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Quick Printing

One of the few places around that provides quick print services.

You can bring in your file on a CD or a flash drive and have it printed right away.

You may also email your files to to print.

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